Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A Tribute to Woodie Flowers

Dr. Woodie Flowers: 1943 - 2019

It's with deep sorrow that we acknowledge the passing of Dr. Woodie Flowers. Dr. Flowers was instrumental in making FIRST what it is, coining the term "Gracious Professionalism" and creating the culture of collaboration that is such a hallmark of our beloved program. Woodie was so well known for his generosity, humility, and his ability to bring out the best in all of us, both students and mentors alike. We had the opportunity to present with him at last year's Championship Showcase, and we'll never forget getting the chance to introduce him to one of our CocoNuts. Our student was totally star-struck by meeting Woodie, but Woodie shook hands warmly with him and said simply, "Tell me about you." As we move into the future, please remember that the best way to honor Woodie is to be Graciously Professional in everything you do, and if you should find yourself in a tough situation, ask yourself, "What would Woodie do?" ~Dave & Christine

In other News...

Meet the Field Day
Meet the Field Day starts this weekend (October 26) and continues next Saturday (November 2). We have lots of opportunities for your team to Meet the Field. Come practice on a full field, collaborate with other teams, get build and programming help and more! We encourage all teams to attend a Meet the Field event whether your robot is competition ready or still a box of parts!

We have six opportunities to Meet the Field:
*Oct. 26 – Gilbert
*Nov. 2 – White Mountain, West Valley, Chandler, Tucson, Flagstaff

Qualifying Tournament Invoices
All teams should have received their invoice for this year's qualifying tournaments. Please read your invoice carefully, as it contains a lot of important information, including: 
  • A list of your confirmed events
  • A breakdown of your team’s cost for the season
  • Instructions on how to make your payment with a PO, check, or credit card
  • Cancellation policy
  • Late payment policy
  • Criteria for competing in official FIRST events
  • A list of Arizona events, including locations and addresses
To avoid a late payment fee of $50, payments must be in by November 20.
If your team hasn't received an invoice yet, please contact us at ftc.arizona@gmail.com.

Thank you to Wade Batson and his web design team for all your hard work!

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